Got what it
takes to be an Imperial?
A potential member may
apply for membership simply by contacting
ANY official member of the Guild (this
does not include recruits or apprentices).
The Guild member will then approve
the request for application as a recruit
on the spot, unless the guild
member has adequate reason for doing
The potential member, now a recruit,
may participate in events provided that
he/she is accompanied by the guild member
who approved the application to become
a recruit, OR another Guild member who
has voluntarily agreed to do
If a Guild member determines that he/she
is satisfied with a recruit, he/she
(the guild member, that is) MAY make
a recommendation to an Council Master
for apprenticeship for the recruit.
If the recruiting Guild member is at
any time unsatisfied with the recruits
performance, he/she need no longer allow
the recruit to accompany him/her.
An Council Master (not necessarily
the one referred to) will then
interview the recruit at the leisure
of the Council Master, within a reasonable
period of time.
IF the Council Member is satisfied with
the recruit, he/she may officially invite
the recruit as a Guild member, under
the status of "Apprentice".
An Apprentice, although officially
a guild member, may not approve
requests for recruits, or accompany
recruits, unless under the authority
of a legal guild member (defined as
a guild member not under apprentice
An Apprentice may be given
official guild status by any Council
Member at a time of the Council Members
choosing. No requests are required or
permitted concerning this matter.
Applications, requests, and petitions
will be made directly
to the appropriate individuals. In other
words, a petition is not official
unless a Guild Member / Council Master
/ Guild Master acknowledges it.
Guild Registration
Register your Guild name here...