Art Portfolio

I have had an interest in Art since I was a young child. I prefered to work with black and white, most of the time it was working with rulers and perspective, and some fantasy art work as well. Dragons, monsters, and things of that nature. I am still learning to color, and applying it to all of my art work. All my Art work is original and done by scratch, although I do have some trouble with anatomically with fictional characters.

These are some of the projects I have been working on in the IMCP Course at San Diego Continuing Education. I learned how to use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and the combination of both of them to produce some of the Art work your about to see.

I have had the oppurtunity to work on some of my neglected potential art skills to something that can be enjoyed. Hopefully a skill I can emply in my graphic skills for Web Development, Game Design, or Concept Art. :D I hope you will enjoy these.

Abtract iDraw Original Colored Photo Phoenix Logo Inverted Abtract Painting repainted Cover Charity Mirror

Animations and Multimedia

Team Project of "Paper Racer"(Illustrator, After Effects, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Maya, , Reason)
Bilal Tindyala as co-concept developer, Lead, Drawings, Animations, Story Boarding 2D and 3D artist
Jorge Ramirez as co-concept developer, co-effects, and co-level designer
Paul Rusack Jr as co-concept developer and the audio engineer (sound effects, levels)

Animation Logo

Animation Fight Scene for Tales of Phoenix (ToP)